Our friends over at
econsciousmarket sent over this great info on Organic cotton.
It takes 1/3 lb of toxic chemicals to produce just one conventional cotton T-shirt. How many tees do you have in your closet?
Conventionally-grown cotton crops account for twenty-five percent of all the pesticides used in the U.S., many of which are classified as the most toxic by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Organic Cotton: What is it?
Organic cotton is grown and harvested with natural fertilizers and in soil free from pesticides, defoliants, fertilizers, drugs, hormones, or synthetic chemicals. Organic farmers rely on crop rotation, mechanical cultivation, and botanical or biological means to control pests and weeds.
All of us @
Maku Furniture have been longtime supporters of companies such as
Mission Playground and
prAna that have been manufacturing super stylie clothing with an eco minded attitude since back in the day or one of our favorite up and coming brands
RVCABut "The Fabric of our Lives" i.e. Cotton is used in far more products than just clothing. Be it bedding and linens or as cottonseed oil in the feed that used for the livestock and ultimately the milk you drink... Just another way that unwanted pesticides can end up in your home and on you dinner table!