Tuesday, March 16, 2010

$5 for Surfrider Foundation

As you may know, we are big fans of Surfrider Foundation and as part of our 1% for the Planet partnership we are always stoked to help out the best people we know to keep our beaches and waterways clean.

The Cycle of Insanity: The Real Story of Water - MUSIC VIDEO from Surfrider Foundation San Diego C on Vimeo.

There has been a lot of discussion lately on BPA free water bottles and the need to not only recycle but more importantly reduce and reuse.

So today through April 1st we are donating $5 from every sale of a "Blue" KOR ONE Hydration Vessel to the Surfrider Foundation as thanks for doing a great job! Click Here to BUY the Ice Blue KOR ONE Hydration Vessel

So lets all join in together and help to keep the beaches clean, the waterways fresh, and mother earth as happy as possible!