I found this little gem - "Fish for Thought" on the LeucadiaProject.com. Ed and David are a couple of locals guys that surf the same spots as I do. Ed's zest for surf culture is second to none and David is an incredible photographer.
So check it out, Local North County artist Rodney McCoubrey takes trash found in and around our local beaches and re-purposes it to some pretty cool artwork. Combined with an Eco-Educational aspect with some of the local kids in Del Mar and you have a pretty rad little project going!
The event was yesterday and hopefully the dreary weather did not put a damper on things. (Yes you read right, I said "Dreary" weather.... This time of year we get a little May Gray and June Gloom...)
MILE of ART on the beach in Del Mar
Featuring Rodney McCoubrey
Elementary students' artwork display from recycled materials (trash to treasure)
with local artist Rodney 'Rodrigo' McCoubrey this Saturday, May 30th. on the beach in Del Mar
A mile of marine-themed artwork—colorful concoctions of scrap wood, old toothbrushes, aluminum soda tabs, popped balloons and the like, mounted on recycled sticks--winding "Christo style" along the scenic Del Mar coastline. Trash to treasure - a message of HOPE and RECYCLING.
Mini-masterpieces, the kids call Fish Sticks, will be proudly created and displayed to tell the tale ending ocean pollution.
This simple recycling/art project by 400 Del Mar Elementary School children has taken on a life of its own in their hearts and minds, while heightening ocean pollution awareness. Fish For Thought will culminate this Saturday, May 30th, from Power House Park North to Dog Beach in Del Mar in an all-community beach cleanup and coastline art installation along Del Mar beach.
Local recycled-trash artist Rodrigo (aka Rodney McCoubrey) will help them create their own one-of-a-kind recycled wooden fish, embellished with recycled trash collected from the beach and home. www.FishForThought.org
Filmmakers will be onhand to document this grass roots effort and are fundraising to complete an educational documentary. Del Mar hopes to highlight this pilot program as an example of what a community can do to reverse the negative impact trash makes on our beaches and ocean - a small community with a big message.
Local Chief Lifeguard Pat Vergne says, “Our community is using art to raise awareness about trash and the negative effect it has on the health of our marine life and our coastal community. We are thrilled to be supporting the Fish Sticks exhibition and the 5th annual Keep Del Mar Clean community beach clean up as we kick off our city’s new recycling program.”
Additional partners in the project include the City of Del Mar and environmental group “Keep Del Mar Clean.”
Beach clean up will take place from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at Power House Park in Del Mar.
Fish Sticks will be on display 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. , Power House Park north to Dog Beach in Del Mar, this Saturday May 30th.