Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Past and the Future...

I found these 2 very interesting articles this evening while perusing the world wide web.

The first asks the question: "Was George Washington Green?" and the second explores the ideals of "The Green House of the Future"

From yesteryear the use of native plants and landscaping, efficient use of space dependent upon season, and lightweight / movable furniture to the philosophies of the next generation of green homes that interestingly enough have a keen throwback to the early days of our country.

George Washington's "Woodlawn Plantation" (pictured above)

(BRANCHING OUT William McDonough + Partners envisions its house like a tree. The "bark" of the house is made up of thin, insulating films that would self-clean and self-heal if damaged. A curved roof with large eaves provides shade, which lowers the heat load in summer. The "trunk," or the frame of the home, consists of carbon tubes, while the "roots" are a heat-pump system buried in the yard.)

Is this a case of history repeating itself? Getting back to basics? or as the age old proverb goes "if it ain't broke don't fix it..."

Check them out and decide for yourself!

Article 1 - Was George Washington Green

Article 2 - The Green House of the Future

I wonder if our esteemed First President would have appreciated our designs?